The dynamic duo known as Soul Buddies, consisting of Zwayetoven & Yumbs have solidified their footprint as a dynamic production duo in the music industry. With their work spanning collaborations with well-established artists and hand-picking the next big vocalists, they have consistently delivered tracks that speak volumes about their talent and vision.
Yumbs is a multi-platinum selling producer, award winner, international DJ, and Mixmag Top 25 breakthrough DJ. His impressive credentials highlight his impact and success in the music scene. On the other hand, Zwayetoven is a multi-talented DJ and pianist who has collaborated with big names in the industry, from hip-hop sensation Flvme to the king of private school piano, Kelvin Momo. Together, they bring a wealth of experience and creativity to their productions.
During the interview with Ash Mopedi following Soul Buddies’ killer set, Zwayetoven revealed that the set played with Yumbs was entirely composed of unreleased and new music from their upcoming project, “Soul Buddies Vol. 1.” They spoke passionately about their music, emphasizing how it drives and motivates them. Yumbs shared his excitement about the project, noting that it features artists such as Shekinah, Pabi Cooper, MDU a.k.a TRP, and Baby S.O.H., among others. He highlighted the incredible unreleased music and features they have lined up.
The Soul Buddies duo also delved into their experiences, workflow, and solo projects, offering viewers an insightful look into their creative world.
Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to their sound, this episode is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates innovative and expertly crafted music. Their unique blend of styles and their ability to push musical boundaries make Zwayetoven & Yumbs a force to be reckoned with in the industry.
In the latest episode of Groove Cartel, filmed at our resident location of Sibani Lodge in The Cradle of Humankind, Zwayetoven & Yumbs invite you to turn up the volume and feel the energy, skill, and musicality they’ve been crafting in the studio. This episode offers a glimpse into their creative process and showcases the incredible work they’ve been producing.
Join us on Groove Cartel as we dive into the world of Zwayetoven & Yumbs and experience the magic they’ve been creating.
Stay tuned for more exclusive content and discover the hottest new talents in the music world, only on Groove Cartel.
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